
Brief summary of activity

This activity presents participants with their first experience of presenting a ‘live’ programme

Aim of the activity

To be able to present a basic live programme

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the activity, participants would have experienced:

  • Preparing and presenting a live programme with guests (either in the studio or on the telephone), jingles and recorded materials
  • Learning how to handle unexpected situations (musical “blackout”, technical difficulties)

Experience and skills required

Experience in the use and troubleshooting of studio

Infrastructure, setting, resources

Studio or portable studio


2 hours


Recordings previously produced during the course


This is an exercise practicing combining two different pieces of radio content. The participants will have to try to combine two separate pieces of radio content while maintaining the rhythm of the programme in a way that is acceptable to the audience. They will be “thrown into the deep end” with this activity. Their performance will be listened to, evaluated and discussed by the trainer and the participants.

How the activity should take place

Stage 1: Presenting a track

One by one the participants will enter the studio and take their place in front of the microphone. They will encounter music or some other pre-recorded material and have to find a way of drawing the audience’s attention to the content of the broadcast.

Stage 2: Linking two audio items

The participants will have to try to combine two separate pieces of radio content while maintaining the rhythm of the programme in a way that is acceptable to the audience. The trainers should give the participants separate pieces of radio content to work for this activity (music, speech, two songs differing in tempo and/or genre).

The presentations and a feedback round will follow.

Stage 3: Presenting, Linking and interviewing

There will be an activity in which the participants practice combining music with a live interview in a studio or over the phone according to the parameters defined before. The participants will present a short piece of news followed by an interview either with a studio guest or over the telephone.

Stage 4: Prepare for the unexpected

The participants will be asked to prepare and present content. During their presentation the trainer will create an unexpected disturbance, e.g. unplug his/her headphones, turn off his/her microphone, create a technical fault during music play, have people enter the studio with breaking news etc. The purpose of this activity is to gain experience in dealing with unexpected events while presenting. Following this there will be a discussion session working out the methods in dealing with such situations.

Stage 5: Preparing a programme

This activity will focus on the programme scheme. The participants will be divided into two groups. Each group will be asked to come up with a morning or afternoon two-hours programme plan. Alternatively the participants can form one group to create a 3-hour programme plan. They will use the material already recorded, but should also follow the selected topic. The purpose of this activity is for the participants to become aware that as all-round broadcasters they will become a part of a programme’s production process.

Recommended max. number of participants and trainees to trainers ratio

1 to 1 in the studio

Risk and possible adaptation

It would be recommended to shorten and make this an orientation session for participants with vision impairment/blindness or learning difficulties

Tips for Trainers

You can use and distribute the Speaking for Radio Presenting Handout

Analysis and evaluation

Can participant troubleshoot?

Have they experienced ‘live’ radio?


At the end of the training and before doing a live programme