
Brief summary of activity

The trainer collects all bunches of keys and add tags to them with their owner name. Then, the participants close their eyes. Based on the sound of the keys, the participants try to find out which bunch of key is their own.

Aim of the activity

Participants will realise of the importance of sound sensitivity.

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the activity, participants will:

  • get to know each other.
  • become more aware of sounds in daily life.

Infrastructure, setting, resources

A quiet room.


10 min


  • Maybe blindfolds are useful to make sure that nobody can see the keys.
  • Tape so to add the name of the owner to the keys.

How the activity should take place

The trainer collects all bunches of keys and names them. Then the partcipants close their eyes. Based on the sound of the keys, the participants try to find out which bunch of key is their own.

Recommended max. number of participants and trainees to trainers ratio

max. 8

It is possible to carried out the activity with a bigger group, but after 8 times it is a good moment to stop


Bunches of keys are also a nice way to introduce oneself in a group. Explain what are the single keys for and the group will learn a lot about you.

Requirements for participants

Any target group.

Analysis and evaluation

Is it possible to recognise the sound of their own bunch of keys?


It’s a good exercise to start a day or do it as a kind of break during the day. It doesn’t need any preparation.