
Brief summary of activity

This activity focuses on producing a live pre-recorded discussion / interview (for a podcast or radio show)

Aim of the activity

The participants will get a taste of how an editorial team works and also get used to the studio.

Expected Outcomes

To understand the dynamics of an editorial teamTo get a taste of how a panel discussion/interview is put together

To get used to being in studio and to use a microphone/portable recorder

In the case of specific groups, this could be a quite empowering experience.

Experience and skills required

Facilitation and production skills

Infrastructure, setting, resources

Comfortable room and portable recorder or mobile studio, or a radio studio


Between 2 1/2 to 3 hours.


Chairs for discussion round or seatpads, rope/tape, flipchart and pens, computer and access to internet.

How the activity should take place

1. rule setting: 10 min. Trainer gives 4-5 basic rules, participants can add some. See ground rules handout

2. icebreaking questions (introduction round + expectation for the workshop): 60 min

Start with three or four given questions (name, profession, family situation, …)

-> if there are issues around the group talking or sharing, start with an ice-breaking questions (Tell me about your family?)

-> variation for a multilingual situation where some participants used of majority language is difficult: explain your name by drawing a picture

-> second introduction round: what does radio mean to you/which role radio plays in your country?

3. finding a topic: 20 min-

Open question to the women: “what was the last topic you read, heard or seen and thought longer than one minute about?”

– tell them you give them a minute and give them 5 minutes in reality to reflect

– collect the topics and let them explain their choice.

4. Discuss:

a) which topic is the most interesting/important to you or which one do you want to listen to?

b) which topic do you want to produce and to talk about on the radio / in the podcast

This will open the Research phase. Participants have 20 minutes to find out what participants can be sources of information: collecting opinions/ knowledge from the group through a discussion with prepare questions:

-> note down the key questions or points of interest

-> alternative activity: “market place“ (for bigger group)

5. Preparation of an live on tape situation: 10 min

Participants find concrete opinions and individual standpoints for the recorded discussion 30 m

The discussion is then recorded for 10 – 15 min

6. The activity concludes with a round of feedback (20 min)

Recommended max. number of participants and trainees to trainers ratio

4-5 per trainer

Risk and possible adaptation

• In the case of migrant women, be aware of “difficult“ topics: women rights, prostitution, religion, racism, sexuality, violence against women, lesbianism. If there is a “controversial“ situation up for discussion, you have to agree it with the participants and eventually in this case some of your interviewees might request anonymity.

• In case of language difficulties use drawings, images, videos…

• Consider the needs of the group (childcare, guide dogs, need for breaks, etc)

• Respect the trainees expectations and wishes, if participants do not want to speak into the microphone or use the technical devices in the training course they don’t have to (offer alternatives) but other participants have to agree with this situation. because they could feel observed by those who do not take part in the recording.


This could be a good activity as introduction to the studio or for editorial team work.