
This is the completed and tested onsite training plan SMART will recommend as more effective when training trainers on how to make an efficient use of the SMART Radio Training resources. We will recommend to follow the training path and deliver all workshops for the training to be successful. 

At the end of the training, tools are made available for a thorough assessment of the value of the workshop, just like access to organise certificated training exists, endorsed by Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and AMARC-Europe along with the SMART partners. Access to SMART training certificates may be granted by the SMART partners only. 

Here you will find the path to follow, as well as a general summary of the workshop. By clicking on the workshop title you will be able to see the detailed description on the delivery as well as link to activities you can use with your participants.


Duration: 120 minutes

(This workshop could take place online, before the face-to-face starts – if so the introduction activity should be skipped or has to be under the condition of setting up break out sessions for the interview pairs.) The aim of the workshop is that trainers familiarise themselves with the SMART resources and learn how to use the SMART search tool to prepare their training plan for their participants.

Learning Outcomes 

Trainers will learn how to use the SMART search tool to find activities relevant to their training plan and their participants needs.


The session starts with the participants getting to know each other (40 min), getting to know the training agenda and the project they have to complete by the end of the training (a training plan for a specific target group using SMART activities) (20 min). Break of 10 minutes.
Then, the trainer explains the functionality of the SMART search engine, so participants can use it to construct their training plan. Participants are asked for Q&A session. (45 min)


Introduction: getting to know each other in short interviews: group is splitted in pairs. the two grouped participants have five minutes each to interview the other and the other way round. they can take notes. After the 10 minutes participants get 2 more minutes to order their thoughts and then to present the interviewed person to the group. 
Presentation of SMART Tool


For participants: One minute feedback. 
For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

Duration: 45 minutes

This workshop looks at how to find out the needs, skill level, etc of participants ahead of the training so the trainer can plan and prepare accordingly and make the workshop accessible to all participants.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the prerequisites for effective communication in your learning group. Considering the group composition and training standards according to group more basic specific needs. 
  • Understand who is your group and what are their needs.


Participants are asked to describe how they target groups in their work. The group discusses in plenary what is in favour of defining target groups. With the presentation of the tips for trainers about the target group of people with learning difficulties the trainer is giving some context to the group discussion. Then the facilitator puts up for debate how it is possible to know as much as necessary about the participants for good training planning. After 30 minutes the trainer presents the questionnaire of nearFM as an example – asking for feedback from the participants. In a last step the participants are asked to decide for which target group they like to design a training plan. 


Presentation of Example: SMART material about the target group of people with learning difficulties

Presentation: form to get to know the participants


For participants: One minute feedback
For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

Individual participants select the target group they would like to plan a training session or full course for. Based on their choice, they will be grouped into working groups so they can work together towards completing the training plan. In these teams they have to define their target group as concrete as possible. This step needs time at least they should get half an hour to discuss and decide. The composition of the working groups and the learner target group they have chosen will be notified to the trainers.

Duration: 120 minutes

This workshop looks at how trainer styles and training methodologies should be adapted according to the needs of your participants and the skill to be learned to ensure the training is effective.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain key principles and methodologies which underpin adult learning of learning styles, learning outcomes, essential techniques

  • Methods to achieve group participation and how to use them according to the group needs and the skill to be learned.

  • Principles of presentation techniques

  • Organise & structure speeches according to the audience

  • Importance of appearance, body posture, language, voice & personality

  • Multitasking abilities / multi-pronged way of thinking


Trainer asks what participants understand for Training methodology and what methodologies they use. Recap on training styles and intro to why training methodology is important and what training methodologies are and which ones they have experienced so far during the previous workshops. Present an overview of methodologies introducing the idea of learner centered training:

  • Buzz groups (short discussion in twos)

  • Snowballing (turning buzz groups into larger groups)

  • Rounds (giving turns to individual students to talk)

  • Quizzes

  • Training journal (duration of 3-4 minutes)

  • Student presentations

  • Poster presentations

  • Role play

  • Independent projects

  • Group discussion

  • Peer mentoring of other students

  • Team work

  • Debates

  • Practical work

  • Portfolio development

After 30 minutes and a 5 minute break the participants are doing the activity “What is in the box” for 20 minutes. Afterwards they discuss what kind of methodology it is and how they would use it. 
 Then get the group divided into pairs, get each pair to list methodologies they would select according to the group needs and their own training style and why. (20 minutes)

After a break of 10 minutes each group plenary presents their selection and explains why the methodologies and what it will require from the trainer regarding trainer style. Feedback of the whole group to the presented ideas is welcome. (25 minutes)


Presentation of learner centered training principles

What is in the box? 


For participants: One minute feedback

For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

Duration: 90 minutes

When planning the delivery of training we must consider a number of elements first, including the trainee profile (target group) and number of trainees (group size), as well as accessibility issues and the requirements of the activities to be carried out as part of the training.

Learning outcome

  • To consider the importance of certain elements when planning training delivery (physical space, time, number of participants, time of day, day of the week, etc)

  • Structuring the session and using the SMART training tool.

  • prepare appropriate training methods for each element of the training session

  • locate SMART exercises for use within a training session

  • prepare any tools, resources or visual aids for the training session e.g. overhead or powerpoint slides, flip charts etc. to effectively deliver the SMART activities.


In a facilitated group discussion, the participants exchange ideas about the framework conditions for training. This includes the whole setting in which the training should take place – group size, location, time frame, timing, necessary equipment, etc. The need to consider the specific needs of target groups is underlined. Participants’ points are noted on the whiteboard by the facilitator.
After the discussion of 30 minutes, the facilitator presents the structure of the SMART tool exercises and explains the principles under which they were created. The structure is presented to the group for debate and discussion. 30 minutes are allowed for this. This is followed by a 10- minute break.
After the break, the participants are told their next task: To set the framework for their training plan. Participants can then ask questions and seek advice from the group or the facilitator. After 20 minutes, the workshop is over.


Presentation of the activity structures


For participants: One minute feedback
For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

Trainer should encourage participants to work in groups to discuss what preparation is required for their specific participant group. Group work should be encouraged to be carried after each workshop as this is part of the learning process, as participants will learn from each other’s experience and support each other through the preparation of the training plan they have to present at the conclusion of the training.

Duration: 180 minutes

It is essential for trainers to be able to measure the learning achieved during the training by applying simple and effective tools, while at the same time suing feedback to ensure that the training is fulfilling the learners expectations.
The benefits of follow up activities are several: beside it being a way to keep in touch with the trainees, it helps the development of a network and improvement to the training and training materials through the feedback of the participants. This follow-up is even more important in case of a train-the-trainer course as the teaching methods, materials and exercises would be tested further by the participants, and by collecting and analysing their experiences we can develop our courses and their impact.

Learning outcomes

  • Establish, promote and maintain a positive learning culture use a variety of relevant training strategies

  • demonstrate effective listening and feedback skills evaluate progress on an on-going basis

  • provide formative feedback to learners throughout the programme

  • assess learners achievement of training objectives

  • critically evaluate a range of assessment techniques

  • critically evaluate a range of assessment and delivery methods

  • plan the application of fair and consistent summative assessment techniques to ensure achieved and training outcomes

  • distinguish between formative and summative assessment provide effective feedback on learner progress.

  • understand the importance of follow-up activities after the training and the links to evaluation and assessment

  • cognition of follow-up methods, tools and practices in order to make follow-up a systematic and organic part of a training that also help assessment and evaluation


The course leader discusses with the participants the necessity of measuring learning outcomes and learning success of training in community media. They also discuss the limits of assessability in the field of voluntary unpaid activities on the one hand and in non-formal education on the other.
After 30 minutes and a short break, the course leader initiates the exchange of experiences and methods of evaluation among the participants in a group discussion. After 25 minutes, the participants go into a 15-minute break.
Then the trainer introduces the SMART Assessment Tool and explains the decision for the methods. Then time is allowed for questions and answers. After 30 minutes – 15 minute break.

The follow-up activities function is not only gaining information of how the trainers utilize the knowledge they acquired during the course but it provides experimental information about the 
training content in order to develop it and suit more to actual needs. In this session the trainer highlights the follow-up as an important tool of achieving real impact and discusses the functions and practical tools of follow-up.

At the end of the session the trainer sums up functions, methods and tools of follow-up, then gives a few recommendations of what to do and what to avoid (do-s and don’t-s). (60 minutes)


presentation SMART Assessment Tool


For participants: One minute feedback
For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

Duration: 180 minutes

This is an open session to discuss the importance of needs analysis to be able to organise existing resources to support the training preparation and delivery for your learner target group, and effectively organise learner centered training. This is followed by group work assisted by a trainer where participants are working in their groups in virtual breakout rooms.

Duration: 90 minutes

This workshop examines the trainer’s facilitation role when dealing with learners with a variety of sensitivities, needs and approaches, as well as different levels of skills and engagement, which in the worst of cases can lead to disagreement and conflict, and training disruption.

Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of Group dynamics.
  • outline the values which inform practice in training / training practices
  • demonstrate good training practice
  • describe different preferred learning styles, training styles and conflict resolution techniques
  • deal with discriminatory attitudes and behaviours establish appropriate work boundaries
  • identify personal training and development needs.


The workshop is divided in three parts:

  1. An Icebreaker that works as an icebreaker but also open the discussion about the importance of cooperation and positive during dynamics as a method to encourage engagement and prevent conflict.

  2. A Buzz Group activity, where participants discuss in small groups their experience on how to deal with training challenges while discussing specific case studies.The conclusions are then brought back to the whole participants group. To carry out this activity, it is necessary to break the group into smaller groups that will be followed by a facilitated discussion

  3. A game that allows participants to test their ability to listen and highlights the importance of ensuring trainers understand participants input as a way to ensure conflict prevention.

Activity 1 (for part 1): Pressure/Counter-pressure
Activity 2 (for part 2): Training Troubleshooting
Activity 3 (for part 3): Controlled Dialogue


For participants: One minute feedback
For trainers: Trainer Protocol and Exchanges

In a plenary session participants present their training plans to the group and will get the chance to ask for feedback from the group and trainer. Trainers should not take the last word nor judge about the presented training plans.

Participants are asked to give their feedback to the trainer about the whole course and they will be asked to fill the second spiderweb for their self-evaluation and are asked to finalise the assessment measures the training course organisation has given and implemented.